Radio Scripts

Below are already-run-on-air radio scripts I wrote:

Client: Stanbic Bank
Activity: Stanbic Personal Loan

Anncr:          Who is your first point of call when you need a personal loan?
Your Friend?

SFX:               Phone ringing. Receiver picked up.

Kwasi:          (friendly) Hehei, homeboy, do you have the money now?

Kojo:             (cunningly) Oh Charley…… I’m in London oh…… (cut off)

Kwasi:          (emphatic/ doubtful) Ah, but I can see you driving towards Osu.

Anncr:         (Laughs teasingly) What about a relative?

Abena:         (dissapointingly) Hmm, this loan de3, my mother’s sister’s daughter’s son is very sick.

Anncr:        (Sighs teasingly) Or Better Still,Your Company?

Kwasi:        (sadly) Not even salary in advance. As for the others, long stories!

SFX:             Up music.

Anncr:         For a Personal Loan that is fast and reliable, make Stanbic Bank your first  bank of call. With rates as low as a 2% interest on monthly repayment, we can easily give you a flexible loan package today.We also offer Vehicle and Home Loans, so call 180 80 (MTN) or visit any Stanbic Bank branch today.

                       Stanbic Bank. Moving Forward.

Client: Electoral Commission
Activity:District Level Elections 2010

SFX:                       Signature tune.

Omanbapa:        (cheerfully hailing) Obolocooco!

Obolocooco:      (cheerfully) Omanbapa! (Teasingly) The King of Breaking News. 
                        (They  both laugh) So what’s the latest in town

Omanbapa:        (emphatic) The Electoral Commission of Ghana will on Tuesday,   
28th October 2010,conduct elections for new assembly members and unit  committee members at designated polling stations nationwide, from 7am to 5pm. Simply go to the polling station in your locality with your voter ID card and cast your vote.

Obolocooco:      (amazed) That simple?

Omanbapa:       (emphatic) Yes. You will cast two ballots. Vote for only one candidate
for assembly member and only five candidates for unit committee members. If you vote for more than the number required, your ballot paper will be rejected.

Obolocooco:    (surprised) Eehhh?

Omanbapa:     (emphatic) Ensure that the finger that you dip in the indelible ink
does not mark or soil the ballot paper. And use only your right thumb, your kokromoti, to vote.

Obolocooco:   (Cheerfully) MyKokromoti Power

Omanbapa:    (Advisedly) Hey bro, don’t attempt to vote more than once oh… or in the  name of another person. (With Emphasis)You could be arrested, prosecuted and jailed.

                        Get involved by voting for only one assembly member and only five unit committee members on Tuesday 28th October 2010 from 7am to 5pm to ensure development in your locality.  

                        Remember, it is Tuesday the 28th of October 2010. Be patriotic, Ghana needs your contribution. 

Payoff:              Signature tune.