How to Generate Powerful Ideas for Advertising

After generating your communications strategy document, the next big thing will be to generate your ideas.

Generating successful ideas for advertising or any other marketing communication is not magic. And it can never be. The secret is to have a good communications strategy and you will on the right track to advertising success. For more info on communications strategy, click here:

For an advertising campaign to be effective, it must be based on the real-time insights that drive the target group in question. For instance, if a product is addressing a particular need, that must be clearly spelt out in your message and the target group must identify with your message.

A good advertising message is that kind that the target group would respond to as, "Aaah, this is really me. They are talking to me. They are solving my need."

Always note that an idea is only as good as its level of impact and relevance on your target audience.